Mr Tom DeAngelo
I am so excited to be part of Culture Shock and teaching martial arts to our amazing students!
I started my training in martial arts while I was a student at Millersville University. I continued training and earned both my 1st and 2nd Degree blackbelt ranks in Danzan Ryu Jujitsu.
Along the way between then and now, I’ve taught adult classes in a few different locations, but I had my first opportunity several years ago to teach kids’ classes when I was given the chance to teach a class at Culture Shock. I loved working with the kids and all their energy!
I’ve also studied iaido, which is a martial art involving the Japanese sword, and I’ve earned my 1st degree black belt in that art as well.
Professionally, I’m an IT director for a local school district. I hold a teaching certificate, an instructional technology specialist certificate, and a principal’s certificate from the Pennsylvania Department of Education. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Biology as well as a Master’s Degree in Instructional Technology.
I have lived in the Hamburg/Shoemakersville area for over 25 years. My wife and I have three awesome daughters, two of whom have been dancers at Culture Shock!
My free time is a bit scarce these days, but when I do find a few free moments I like to spend them outdoors, reading, or spending time with my family.